Natural Green Coffee Powder 100g

Natural Green Coffee Powder 100g


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Product Description:

CO FEE CO Organic Green coffee is 100 % pure & ethical organically grown arabica coffee bean powder.

Strong perfect thick-brown coffee powder without chicory.

This coffee is a Proven Fat Burner with a perfectly balanced intensity and a hint of natural taste.

CO FEE CO coffee is the best of carefully selected estate coffee grown under the natural shade of monsoon forest, giving the high hills/of the south. Here the coffee is produced under the natural shade of a monsoon forest, giving the beans a rich flavour.

Green coffee beans contain chlorogenic acid ( GCA )main active ingredient for weight loss.

How to use :

Take 1/2-1 teaspoon of Green coffee powder in a cup.

Pour hot water over it and mix well.

Leave the mixture for about 1-2 minutes and filter.

You can add Honey, cinnamon and a pinch of Cardamom powder for better taste.

Weight 0.292 kg